Max and the mountains

We all want the best for our dogs and as Max is now twelve and in his more lets say 'senior years' time is very precious. To us everyday with Max is special. I always thought Max was fit, that was until we got the whirlwind which we named Paddy. The Padawan has energy and pace unseen like any other on the planet. The arrival of Harry and it looks like he's going the same way as his older brother, lightning fast!
I can't deny that Max is slowing down, his limp, caused by an out of control labrador hitting him three years ago on his left front leg, seems to get worse at times and latterly he's become much slower and stiffer after walks. The mornings and last thing at night are more evident, trying to get up on sofa's etc after a walk. Many of you have commented on his videos. With the onslaught of cold wet winter days it's not good, we'd even started to reduce climbs and bigger walks, tailoring shorter walks especially for him on the the flat. I could see he wasn't happy in himself, the shorter walks and the hobbling around. I've selfishly denied myself that Max is getting on in age, after all who wants to admit we're getting older. To me he's my life saver and want nothing but the absolute best for him and the best quality and longevity of a good life.

I've looked at and tried various joint supplements for him, some with no effect some with better results, some cheap and some really quite expensive. But what price do you put on a dogs health?

We work with and are proud to be associated with ACANA UK. Over the last three years we've fed their diets with I think brilliant results. Indeed most everyone that meets our boys comments on how soft their coats are (and we meet a LOT of people) Acana have supported just about everyone of our charity walks and birthday parties, supplying treats, feeds and prizes for our charity events and for that we are eternally grateful.

I use the services of Jenny the Acana nutritionist and speak to her regularly to talk about our dogs diets etc. Whilst on the delicate subject of Max's age Jenny subtly suggested moving Max over the Acana Senior Diet (something I'll admit I've delayed on, he's not old remember?) as the Senior diet is much higher in glucosomine than his previous feed. The food was ordered and whisked away before his lordship saw it and questions may be raised about his age. We started feeding him it two weeks ago with a seamless transition, but didn't tell Max obviously!

I'm really pleased to say that the difference in Max has been quite remarkable, and I'm not the only one to have noticed. He seems much happier in himself, the signs of stiffness are reduced when getting on or off the sofa (the one he's not allowed on). Last week we did some pretty big walks too, thirty eight miles in the hills in total, with some rather epic days out, he's been there with us and really enjoying it, bouncing around and wanting to get going and long may that last! It may not be the miracle cure but it's certainly helping and he deserves the best.

I wonder if I should try it too? 

Max is being fed: